Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Shot List

Establishing shot of the photography dark room.
Over-shoulder shot of the stalker walking into the dark room over to the processing tray.
Mid-Shot of the stalker moving things around in the processing tray.
Close up of the pieces of paper, which have the credits on them.
Over-shoulder shot of the stalker walking over and past the photos that are already hanging up and surveying them.
Close-up of her hand going over each picture (red nails).
Mid-Shot of the stalker hanging up another photo.
Long-Shot of all the photos hanging up with the stalker's back in view.

Over-shoulder shot of the stalker walking into the bright room.
Mid shot of her back infront of the wall.
Close-Up of the middle picture on the central wall.
Zoom out to establishing shot of the whole wall full of pictures.
Close-Up of hand pulling picture off of the wall and screwing it up in her hand.
Mid-Shot of the screwed up picture being thrown into the bin.
Shot from inside the bin of the screwed up picture landing inside it.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Props List and locations

Prop List:
  • Red Lipstick
  • Red Nails
  • Stalker pictures
  • tongs
  • Credit prints
  • Chemical bath
  • Photography Dark Room
  • Bare room (Garage or changing room)