Thursday, 20 January 2011

Opening sequence to 'Insomia'

The sequence begins simple but effective. The beggining is abstract in the way that it swaps between what apepars to be blood seeping through rope and deserted ice caps. The intense music that accompanies the images gives off a thrilling and uncomfortable feel. By repeating the clip of the blood coming through the rope (which gets further away each time) leaves you wondering the meaning behind it and if it is symbollic to the events in the film. Also when the camera is panning over the ice caps, they then become blurry before more credits appear, this makes the audience feel disorientated. 

This film is rated a 15. This because there is frequent strong language. There is also some strong references to sex and moderate violence. Aswell as grisly images, such as near the start you clearly see the dead girl's body. Also, the story is primarily based around a grusome murder, which sets in the readers mind the themes that will continue throughout the film. The target audience would be aged 15 and above, this is mainly because the story follows quite intense events, that would not be suitable for younger audiences and they also may not understand. Also, the actors appeal to an older audience as they can relate to them, where as children couldn't. All 3 of the main actors are also award winning, meaning they are well known, making the film appealing to many people. 

$46,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend
$26,068,419 (USA) (27 May 2002) (2,610 Screens)
£1,159,754 (UK) (1 September 2002) (264 Screens)
€1,150,763 (Italy) (10 November 2002) (221 Screens)
€1,055,310 (Spain) (13 October 2002) (258 Screens)


Also, the 3 main actors have achieved:
Al Pacino- Best Actor, Scent of a Woman
Robin Williams- Best supporting actor, Good Will Hunting
Hilary Swank- Best actress, Boys Don't Cry 

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